Our wonderful volunteer, Katie N., has been a dedicated part of our volunteer team for just under two years now. After her roommates with their three dogs moved out of their shared home, Katie was left without any fur babies. She decided she wanted to work with animals and get involved in the Fort Collins community so she joined Animal Friends Alliance as a volunteer. Katie covers many roles at the Dog Shelter and she is always willing to learn more. She works consistently in Shelter Dog Care 1 & 2 to help with daily cleaning and feeding for the dogs, Dog Walking & Enrichment and participates as an occasional Event Dog Date. Katie loves to help out the organization and the pups in any way she can. Katie plans to become a K-9 coach in the future so she can learn as much as possible about dog training and behavior and hopefully adopt a dog of her own some day soon.
Volunteering at Animal Friends Alliance not only allows Katie to help people and animals, but it fills her with love, especially when she is able to get doggie snuggles. She finds that volunteering is an essential part of keeping Animal Friends Alliance running smoothly in order to help more animals, and in giving back, she is able to assist in finding shelter animals their future family and a loving home. Katie’s favorite memory is when she accompanied Pouche to the Valentine’s Day Donut and Beer Event at Maxline Brewing. She loved being able to introduce Pouche to potential adopters while mingling herself.

Being from California, Katie has always had a love of the outdoors. After moving to Colorado for graduate school in Forest Ecology at CSU, Katie knew she had found her place. With an abundance of outdoor activities and gorgeous mountains, Katie was right at home. In her free time, she loves to camp, hike, read, watch movies and play tennis. In the future, Katie hopes to pursue a career as a research ecologist for a non-profit or government organization in order to research the best ways to manage and conserve the beautiful and precious natural areas we have across the west.
Thank you, Katie, for your dedication to Animal Friends Alliance over the years and your willingness to help in vital roles such as Shelter Dog Care, which supports our staff and provides essential daily care for the shelter dogs. We are so grateful to have you as part of our Volunteer Team!