What type of shelter is Animal Friends Alliance?
At Animal Friends Alliance, we describe ourselves as a “limited-admission, adoption guarantee shelter” – but what does that mean? Let’s demystify that description and get to know a little more about who we are and what makes us special. Limited-admission means...
Northern Colorado animal shelters face adoption shortage
Lingering effects from Covid-19 cause animals to be surrendered to shelters faster than they are being adopted Fort Collins, Colo. (Oct. 13, 2022) – Northern Colorado animal shelters are feeling a post-Covid pinch as more animals are entering shelters...
Animal Friends Alliance raises over $2.8M for new shelter
Anonymous grant funds Bringing Paws Together campaign FORT COLLINS, Colo. – July 21, 2022 – Animal Friends Alliance has received an $805,000 grant from an anonymous donor, enabling the organization to reach its $2.8 million goal for building a new shelter at its Taft...
National Nonprofit Petco Love Invests in Animal Friends Alliance to Save and Improve the Lives of Pets in Fort Collins, CO
$25,000 grant will be celebrated at local Petco event on June 21 Fort Collins, CO (June 14, 2022) – Animal Friends Alliance is set to receive a $25,000 grant investment from national nonprofit Petco Love during a special celebration at the Fort Collins Petco at 2211...
Everything Dog helps humans and dogs connect
By Doreen Godfrey, Trainer at Everything Dog At Everything Dog in Loveland, we are so lucky to have 6 trainers that all have a common joy to work with people and their dogs to become solid, long lasting partners. When a human family commits to a dog, there are several...
Animal Friends Alliance raises over $175,000 at annual Gala for Animals
FORT COLLINS, Colo. – April 7, 2022 – Animal Friends Alliance’s annual charity benefit, Gala for Animals, netted over $175,000 on March 26 to help support the nonprofit’s cat and dog shelters and community pet resource programs. Nearly 420 guests and over 50...

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