Found a kitten?
When you come across outdoor kittens, you may feel the need to immediately pick them up and bring them home with you, but that might not be the best thing for the kittens, or for you! Learn what you SHOULD do if you see a tiny kitten alone outdoors! Learn how to tell how old a kitten is.
Our Community Cat Program was created in May 2014 to address the population of stray and feral cats in Larimer and Weld counties that are in desperate need of our help. Animal Friends Alliance is passionate about curbing these cats’ reproduction and ensuring they are in the best environment for a positive outcome. We have both the shelter space and an on-site clinic to support the program. Our staff Community Cat Program Coordinator is dedicated to responding to calls for assistance, traveling to sites to perform TNR (trap-neuter-return), and delivering kibble to struggling colony caretakers.
Click here to fill out a community cat assistance request form.
What is “TNR”?
TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return) is the big buzzword in the world of feral cats. Cats from feral colonies are trapped, brought to a clinic, spayed/neutered, given rabies and distemper combo vaccination, and returned to the site where they were trapped to continue their natural lives.
Adult feral cats are returned outdoors because they do not make good pets, and in areas without TNR programs they are usually euthanized when brought to a shelter. Also, simply removing an animal from the population doesn’t accomplish much. Since cats are territorial, each cat in a colony holds an area. If that cat is removed permanently another cat moves in. However, if the cat is brought back to the colony without the ability to breed, the population growth of that colony is slowed. Perform TNR on enough animals in the colony and the population growth nears zero.
Animal Friends Alliance actively supports TNR as part of its Community Cat Program. Feral kittens that are too young for spay/neuter may enter our foster program to be socialized and prepared for adoption to an indoor home.
Additional Services & Help
- Trap rental and instruction (deposit and rental fee required). Visit our shelter at 2321 E. Mulberry St Unit 3, Fort Collins, to rent one. View or download our Trapping Instructions
- Spay/neuter pricing for feral cats that you TNR yourself. Click for details.
- Free cat food to people feeding feral colonies, but only if they are doing TNR to prevent more breeding. Click for details
- Trap-Neuter-Return assistance for large feral cat colonies. Call (970)-484-8516 ext. 5133
- Shelter and adoption for feral kittens under 8 weeks old IF we have a foster home available. Please fill out the Intake Consultation Form to surrender kitten(s).
Additional LOCAL resources:
Additional NATIONAL resources:
Help by donating
If you would like to help Animal Friends Alliance address the population of feral and community cats cats through trap-neuter-return, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to our Community Cat Program. Your gift will help cover the expenses associated with trapping, altering and vaccinating these often forgotten cats.
Our TNR program has several ongoing equipment and supply needs. We always need fuel gift cards, Tru Catch traps, plastic zip ties, canned cat food, and small paper bowls. You can drop any of these off at our Mulberry Campus to support our Community Cat Program.